Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Five: What is there to smile about?

Over at RevGalBlogPals, Jan writes: With the end of RevGalBlogPals' third annual Big Event, I am wondering who went and what it was like. There must be a lot of smiling from the Big Event! Hopefully, the rest of us are not frowning either.

So let us know how your past week was for you.

Write five different aspects of the week
OR answer the following questions:

1. When were you smiling lately? When one of my foster dogs, Crystal, got a positive evaluation from the rescue group coordinator. I also smiled on Monday, when my friend Terry adopted Tildie, one of the dogs we had seen but hadn't been able to take the morning of our rescue transport run. Monday was the day Tildie had been scheduled to be euthanized; instead, she got a new loving home.

2. What happened unexpectedly to you this past week? Lots of stuff! Much of it unbloggable.

3. How was a catastrophe averted (or not)? I suppose the animal rescue world is just full of catastrophes, but I had one hit particularly hard this morning: I learned that one of the dogs I was supposed to help transport to foster care in another state last weekend, but who didn't get on that run and was supposed to come this week, has died from complications of her spay surgery. We can't save them all, but that doesn't mean I don't cry about the ones we lose.

4. What was the most delicious thing you ate? Yesterday my lunch included the last bit of a yummy block of Australian Cheddar that I picked up at Whole Paycheck.

5. Did you see any good movies or read any books or articles? We re-watched The Blues Brothers, just because we can. It's a feel-good classic that I will love forever.


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

Our four-legged companions truly do leave paw-prints on our hearts. Seems like a bittersweet week...

Terri said...

So much unbloggable....sigh. I'd cry too over that pup. I hope the weekend offers many opportunities to smile.

angela said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear a good dog story! I get so sad whenever I read the newspaper b/c I'm just sure the adorable little pups in it are set to be euthanized. If only we could all take one or two.

Mary Beth said...

Hugging you!!!

Jan said...

So sorry too much is unblogable. Hugs. I'm glad the animals have you to help. My puppy needs to be spayed soon; I never realized that there could be complications. . . .

Deb said...

unbloggable days suck. just saying. But happiness for the doggies (and kittehs) who DO find forever homes. You're doing a wonderful thing. Did I ever tell you that all three of our kittehs are resuce kittehs? Yup. They are.

Muthah+ said...

Yum, Aussie Chedder!

RevDrKate said...

Oh, sorry you had an unbloggable week...and about the pup. (((0)))) You do such good work for the wee four footers. LYMI.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

well maybe those sunglasses from the bluebrothers could help cover the puffy eyes from crying... *sigh*