Monday, February 22, 2010

Day off, but day on, too.

I took a day off work today, but I'm dressed as if I hadn't.

In less than an hour, Mid-Life Rookie is picking me up and we will make the drive to the retreat center where representatives from the Board of Ordained Ministry are conducting interviews. Her round begins at 1:30 and continues until 4:30. I'm her support person: prayer, logistics, whatever she needs of me. I'm honored to be called upon for this role, and I pray that I truly am a source of support today.

We will know before we come back home this evening whether she will be recommended for ordination in June. Prayers appreciated!


Unknown said...

What a good friend you are! I hope the day goes well.

revhipchick said...

can i take you with me next week as i go before commissioning? you are a great friend! i will say a prayer for both of you & the BOM as well.

DogBlogger said...

Annnnd she's in! Hooray!