Disciple class has one more Tuesday night meeting. After that, just the retreat day remains. I haven't been the best about keeping up with my reading. It is what it is. But I'm happy I signed up for the study.
I've been finding chunks of life unbloggable lately. Annoying.
Last night The Alpha and I went out for a thankful-we're-still-employed dinner. (Nothing fancy, but I did make sure mine included some salt around the rim of a nice big glass.) The Alpha worked a 13+ hour day on Friday, so dinner didn't really happen Friday night. My day was odd, too: my work environment now includes fewer people. *sigh.*
We walked the dogs both days this weekend. Tuesday seems destined to be tubby. She's energetic, but shaped a little differently. The balance between keeping her looking trim and keeping her well-fed is a tough one to achieve. (And if she's hungry, she starts eating
things she ought not. From the yard. Which she put there herself. Ick.)
The Boy seems destined to be high-energy and rambunctious when it comes to leash behavior. He turns 5 this week. He may act a few years younger. I'm very, very fine with that.
I'm listening to the "adult alternative" channel on our digital cable right now. For various reasons, I've been unaware of a lot of popular music in the last decade or so; this is my feeble effort to catch up. They keep the artist, title, album, and year of issue on-screen the entire time the song is playing, so if I want to know, I can.
Family of origin issues. I has them. Just sayin'. (See paragraph 2.)
Had some phone time with wonderful niece today. Her long-time BF (there's an engagement in the near future) is doing serious job-hunting in the town where she's doing her graduate studies. I hope he lands something soon. I hope they can come visit us for a weekend this summer. I hope they can move within 15 minutes of us when she gets her Ph.D. But I'll start with the first hope, please.